With so many domain name registrars fighting out for a pie, domain name registration isn’t tough anymore. In fact, it’s just like making any other online purchase. However, there are few areas to maintain caution, as is the case of any online transaction. Mentioned below are the five steps involved in the domain registration process.
How to register a domain name?
Step 1: Check availability
Before you can register a domain name, you need check its availability. There are many websites which offer domain availability search tool, but take caution as many of these are nothing but Pitcher plants preying on oblivious users who land on their websites. Once you enter your domain name into their search box, these websites would block it and would ask for a premium price to make the domain name available. The sad part is that no other registrar will be able to offer you this domain name, as it’s already been bought as per the records. The play safe rule is not to check domain name availability by typing it in your browser window or in any website that pops up., but check the availability of your preferred name in any of the domain name registrar websites.
A domain name registrar is an organization or commercial entity that manages the reservation of Internet domain names. The domain name industry is currently regulated and overseen by ICANN, the organization that is responsible for certifying companies as domain name registrars. ICANN website (https://www.icann.org/registrar-reports/accredited-list.html) provides the list of accredited domain name registrars across the world. If you come across a registrar that is not on this list, it is most likely that the organization is acting as a reseller for one of the accredited registrars.
Here are a few domain name registrars you can use for both checking and registering your domain name.
Once you have confirmed that the domain name you are looking for is available, the next step is to register it with a domain name registrar. The registration process is quite simple and similar in all registrar websites.
Step 2: Signup
If you do not have an account with the registrar website, the next step is to create one by providing the basic signup details like name, password etc. Some registrars allow you to create a new user account at the time of billing itself.
Step 3: Select the domain name
Select the domain name that you wish to register by searching in the domain name search box. Along with the searched for domain name, the registrar will show a list of extensions that are available like .org, .in, .co, .net etc. Buying a domain name with multiple extensions is a way to safeguard your brand’s identity. As one of your competitors can buy the same domain name with another extension and start a website to compete with your business in the online landscape. However it is a business decision to be taken with proper consideration, as each domain name comes with an annual renewal fee.
Each registrar website has its own way of cross selling related products. It range from Certified Domain Seal, Business Registration, Website Builder, Email and Hosting packages. However it is not recommended to bundle all services and be in the dark, rather depend on reliable specialised service providers. If you are a Webarro client, you need not worry about Email and Hosting. We take care of all your requirements.
Step 4: Choose period of registration and review order
Once you have selected the domain names to be registered, the next step is to select the term of registration. Typically, you can choose between 1- 10 years of registration period. The price will be displayed along with the term of registration. Some registrars will offer discounts if you register for more than one year, but no registrar has the authority to sell more than a 10-year registration contract for any domain name.
Step 5: Checkout
Before you make the payment online, the registrar will ask you to provide some contact and technical information to have on record. This information is stored in a registry, which other computers can access to find information on your site. Once the payment is made through any of the available online payment methods approved by the registrar, the domain name will be moved to your account. But that doesn’t mean that the domain name will be your property all your life. Technically speaking, domain names cannot be purchased, but can only be registered for a limited period usage. It means that- as long as you keep renewing the ownership of your domain name, you will have the right to use it. Failing to do so, the registry could release the domain name, allowing any third party to register and claim right for usage.